Mornings are always an adventure around here! This morning was no different, first I woke to hear London calling for me, but she was downstairs. By the time she realized I was down there she started crying. It was still too early for her to be up so I went to get her and put her back in bed. Then I peeked in Liam's room and saw he was not in bed. So I went downstairs to look for him, but he was not there. So I went back in his room, checked on the other side of his bed, and didn't see him, then checked Brooklyn's room, my bathroom and closet - still no Liam. So I looked more thoroughly downstairs again, didn't find him. At this point I was getting a bit panicked. I woke Chris up to tell him that I couldn't find Liam. Then I went back to Brooklyn's room to see if he was hiding in the blankets - he wasn't, so I got the idea to lay down and look under the bed - there he was. He was awake and just hanging out. He had woken Lo up when he went in there in the first place. We had a little talk about how he needs to stay in his room until the sun comes up or I come get him.
Then this crazy haired girl woke up - tell me the truth, did you laugh out loud?
We are still doing preschool every morning, the kids are really enjoying it.
Liam and Brooklyn were really excited that I let them play in the sink with water this morning. You have to get creative when there are so many rainy days in a row.
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